Our logo
I well remember long discussions with Michael (Shaurli) into the early hours of the morning making plans for the group. A name had to be found for it and, surprisingly, it seemed that no one else had claimed Sydney Opera Society, hereafter referred to as SOS. Once that was chosen, a logo had to be found. For those of you who may wonder where it comes from, I can tell you. It is a design for I Pagliacci performed by The English National Opera in the 1970s. Unfortunately, I can no longer find the programme from which it was taken so that I cannot be more specific. (Jym Argyros, October 2000).
Our birth
The initial group was part of the Northside Opera Society however at the end of 1981 it split and in January 1982 Mary Cameron called a meeting of anyone interested in keeping the Evening going. In January 1982, Mary Cameron called a meeting of anyone interested in keeping the evening group with a going concern. This turned out to be the inaugural meeting of SODG, the Stanton Opera Discussion Group. Its first officers were Jim Argyros (president), Michael Shaurli (secretary), and Jim Falconer (treasurer).